Key Binding

A guide for controlling the drone and its gimbal remotely using the FlytBase.

There are two ways an operator can remotely control their drones

Note: A wired Xbox 360 joystick controller is supported on FlytBase.

To use a joystick controller, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Connect the joystick to a Laptop/Desktop.

  • Navigate to Key Bindings on the FlytBase dashboard from the settings and click on the simulator. Then press the buttons on the joystick to confirm whether it is connected to the FlytBase dashboard (optional).

  • Once done, launch the drone for a manual flight and click on the manual control button on the dashboard.

An operator may also take control of the drone remotely while the drone performs a mission by clicking on the manual control button on the dashboard.

  • Then click on the joystick icon to activate the joystick controls.

How it works:

  • Click on the 'i' button to learn more about key bindings while taking control.

  • An operator may change the speed and sensitivity of the controls by clicking on the arrow next to the joypad and navigating to Advanced drone controls.

Last updated